Lauren Wyner's eFolio
Advanced 3 Summer B 2013 Syllabus
The Community English Program (CEP) is a unique and integral part of the TESOL and Applied Linguistics Programs at Teachers College, Columbia University. It provides English as a second language and foreign language instruction to adult learners of diverse nationalities and backgrounds. In addition, the CEP serves as an on- site language education lab in which TESOL and Applied Linguistics faculty and students enrolled in the programs teach the courses and use the CEP as a setting for empirical inquiry. Here at Teachers College we believe that observation and classroom research are the best way to learn about how we teach and gain insights into how teaching might take place. Thus, we encourage observation and classroom research and want people to use it as a tool for learning. Ongoing assessment and program evaluation allow us to make the CEP a better program.
​Community English Program
Teachers College, Columbia University​
Level: Advanced 3

Instructors: Lauren Wyner
Class Days: Mondays-Thursdays
Class Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Classroom: Thorndike 955
Class Description/Objectives:
The textbook is In Charge 1 and comes with a workbook. These are available for purchase at the bookstore.
1) To encourage students to speak English with greater confidence and fluency.
2) To review existing grammar understanding and build on that knowledge.
3) To review and build on students reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
4) To review and build on students presentation skills; both individual and group.
5) To assist students with academic, work-related, subject-specific terminology and concepts as they occur.
Course Requirements:
You will have three short unit exams, and one final exam. You will have weekly written assignments which must be handed in on the day they are due. No late assignments will be accepted.*
Three short exams: each 15% (total 45%)
Final exam: 30%
Participation: 10%
Homework assignments: 15%
​Important Dates:
First day of class: Monday, July 15, 2013
Final exam: Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Last day of class: Thursday, August 15, 2013
Last day for refunds: Friday, July 19, 2013
Course Principles:
1. No cell phones in class.
2. Do your work. The classroom is a community and everyone will get out of it what they put into it.
3. No food (only drinks).
4. Speak only English.
5. Arrive on time.
6. Have fun!
Attendance is mandatory and will be taken every class period. Many of the class activities will take more than one class period so attendance is important if we are to maintain a sense of continuity. Missing 5 or more classes means you cannot pass the course.
Discussion Topics
Tech Trends
Describing changes
Speculating about future trends
Evaluating behavior
Stating needs
Definite and indefinite articles
computer ethics
computer fraud
tech pets
genetic engineering
Space Exploration
stating and defending opinions
making predictions
discussing probability
Future forms
future progressive
future perfect
- probability of space tourism
- role of exploration in developing new technology
- exploring new frontiers
Adventure Travel
Comparing and contrasting
describing experiences
expressing regret
making complaints
wishes and regrets
I wish…
Had I known…
If only…
- Dream vacations
- risk and excitement
- situations we wish had gone differently
A way with Words
reporting information
giving interpretations
agreeing and disagreeing
Reported speech
reported statements
reported questions
reporting verbs
- comic mistranslations
- favorite quotes
- role of translators
- pros and cons of a global language
Final Review & Presentations
Review/ Mixed Bag
Review/ Mixed Bag